For premium cognac called CHRONOS we developed unique bottle shape resembling an hourglass – the package consists of two bottles, one of which is turned upside down and attached to the other using a special joining element. To complete the set, we also developed a case with velvet lodgement for convenient transportation and finishing the … Continue reading Bottle shape development and decoration of CHRONOS, premium-quality cognac
Danfoss (DEVI) company has been working with Lena McCoder creative agency for a long time and is satisfied with the quality of works and services provided. We would like to point out their creative and unusual approach to finding solutions related to visualization and art. All services are always provided on the dot, are distinguished … Continue reading Danfoss (DEVI) company feedback
«GAMBRINUS» PLC (OAO) This feedback covers work carried out by Lеnа МсСоdеr agency within the framework of the project on beer label development for ‘Gambrinus’ company. Our collaboration started when Lena McCoder won a tender on the development of labels for two beer product lines called ‘Tcheshskiy Svatek’ and ;Gambrinus’. In spite of the fact … Continue reading «Gambrinus» company feedback
DisplAir innovative company Recommendation and feedback about working with Lena McCoder agency In March 2011 Lena McCoder branding agency (Moscow) carried out an independent research ‘Trends and prospects of IT industry and Hi-Tech devices world market’ in which it analyzed how nonscreen display market had been ascending up to 2015. This research helped evaluate the … Continue reading «Displair» company feedback
«ОLKEA» LLC «OLKEA» LLC company expresses gratitude to Lena McCoder agency for effective cooperation in 2012-2014 that included rebranding of FAST AID pro bandage package. Rebranding had a positive impact on sales that increased by 43% and even more, as well as customer loyalty. Lena McCoder agency also developed advertising materials for SKINLITE trademark that … Continue reading «Olkea» company feedback
This feedback covers work carried out by Lеnа МсСоdеr creative agency within the framework of the project on developing identity for ‘SpeccorProduction’ event agency. When we were creating the agency we needed to develop a unique identity concept that would appeal to potential customers and would set us apart from competitors. Your creative team offered … Continue reading «SpeccorProduction» company feedback
«Centre» feedback Audit and consulting group May 23, 2014 «Centre» group of companies would like to express appreciation to Lena McCoder creative agency. We are grateful for competent cooperation and mutual understanding you have shown. We also want to highlight high quality and expertise. We were satisfied with the way how fast you approached tasks … Continue reading «CENTRE» GROUP feedback
Dear Vasiliy! Thank you for effective cooperation on the development of a corporate website and presentation materials and especially for consultations on marketing and advertising issues. We consider cooperation results to be very efficient, as they helped us develop our company and raise it to a new level with new positioning along with entries to … Continue reading «Atrix Trade» LLC company feedback («New Projects» brand, Russian: “Новые Проекты”)
11524 г. Москва, Ул. Электродная д.9 +7 495 309-55-54 successories@mail.ru www.goldfish-shop.ru www.goldfish-mania.ru We have been working with «Lena McCoder» creative agency for many years and on various projects that have always been successful. They say nobody is perfect, but I would like to say that there are perfect creative agencies, one of which is ‘Lena … Continue reading Feedback from GOLDFISH company